Yoga ou taï-chi ?

Réconciliant le corps et l’esprit, le yoga et le taï-chi ont bien des points communs, mais également des différences. On fait le point à ce sujet pour vous aider à choisir entre ces deux sports zen.  

Les mêmes bienfaits pour le yoga et le taï-chi 

Le yoga et le taï-chi sont des gymnastiques douces, qui permettent de muscler son corps tout en détendant son esprit. On se concentre sur les aspects mentaux, énergétiques et spirituels à travers des mouvements lents et travaillés. Dans les deux cas, on réalise des exercices de respiration. 

Ces deux pratiques sportives possèdent d’ailleurs les mêmes bienfaits pour le corps et l’esprit, à savoir : 

  • réduire le stress
  • améliorer la concentration 
  • renforcer la souplesse
  • soulager les petits maux de santé
  • retrouver la sérénité  

Le yoga et le taï-chi ont incontestablement des effets positifs aussi bien sur le plan physique que sur le plan mental. 

Les différences entre le yoga et le taï-chi

Tout d’abord, le premier est une méthode de relaxation qui nous vient d’Inde, le second est un art martial dit “interne” originaire de Chine, que l’on présente comme un art de la méditation en mouvement. Si les deux amènent à explorer les profondeurs des sentiments humains, on peut dire que le taï-chi est un peu plus spirituel que le yoga

Quand on observe du yoga et du taï-chi, on ne peut que constater que les pratiques n’ont rien à voir. Si l’un consiste plutôt en des exercices au sol, l’autre en revanche s’exécute debout, comme tous les arts martiaux. 

D’autre part, là où le yoga sollicite tout le corps, le taï-chi est surtout basé sur des mouvements des jambes, qui sont accompagnés par les gestes aériens des bras. Il permet de travailler l’équilibre et la souplesse des articulations à travers des enchaînements en continu. 

Maintenant, comment choisir entre le yoga et le taï-chi ? Il vous suffit de tester les deux et de voir dans quelle discipline vous vous sentez le plus à l’aise, tout simplement !

Article par : Elaine-Claire Monetta

21 045 commentaires Ajoutez le votre

  1. Thomasstope dit :

    Streptease is the art of seduction, which penetrates into the danged depths of compassionate nature. It is a bearing of entertainment that has been around in regard to decades, capturing the attention and igniting the imaginations of people all about the world. But what is striptease, and what makes it so attractive and exciting?

    Olden days of striptease:

    The brief conversation « streptease » comes from the French verb « loot », which means « to settle rancid » or « undress ». This craft has earlier roots, which can be judged from images and records found in the history of various cultures. Though, striptease, as we conscious it today, received approach and identification in the original 20th century in play venues in America and Europe.

    During the Prominent Economic decline days, striptease became an basic quarter of nightclubs and cabarets, donation spectators not on the other hand entertainment, but also a avenue to mystify from everyday worries and problems.

    The essence of the manoeuvres of striptease:

    At first glisten, striptease may have all the hallmarks like a simple counterfeit of undressing in front of an audience. Manner, the true tastefulness of striptease lies in the spirit the dancer uses his or her body, movements, facial expressions and clothing to beget an obscene and aesthetic atmosphere.

    Streptease is a confederationЧ—Ч©Ч¤Ч Ч•ЧЄ of dance, stage production and acting, in which the artist strives not simply to show his body, but also to create a mystery, revive excite and provocation. He or she can use a miscellany of props, costumes, and lighting to conceive the desired intention and highlight his or her personality.

    Striptease and culture:

    Striptease plays an important job in soda water way of life and art. It is found in films, books, music and parallel with painting. This art evokes many emotions and reactions in viewers, from pleasure to condemnation.

    In putting together, streptease has befit a tokening of liberation and feminism. Divers dancers landscape their aptitude as a means of expressing sexual confidence and self-expression.


    Striptease is not just play or a particular to order rolling in it, it is an cunning that continues to evolve and pull the notice of people all over the world. It leaves behind numerous debates and questions, but above all, it continues to enliven and flabbergast with its knockout and energy. 34t34fr

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  5. Заключение диплома важно для трудоустройства на пост. Иногда случаются ситуации, когда диплом, полученный ранее неприменим для области трудоустройства. Покупка диплома в Москве разрешит этот вопрос и гарантирует процветание в будущем – Существует множество причин, побуждающих покупку диплома в Москве. После нескольких лет работы неожиданно может возникнуть необходимость в университетском дипломе. Работодатель может изменить требования к сотрудникам и поставить вас перед выбором – диплом или увольнение. Полный дневной график учебы требует больших затрат времени и сил, а обучение на заочной форме — требует дополнительные финансовые средства на сдачу экзаменов. В подобных обстоятельствах более разумно купить готовый документ. Если вы ознакомлены с особенностями своей будущей специализации и усвоили необходимые навыки, нет необходимости тратить годы на обучение в ВУЗе. Плюсы заказа документа об образовании включают скорое производство, идеальное сходство с оригиналом, доступные цены, гарантию трудоустройства, возможность оценить свой успех самостоятельно и простую доставку. Наша организация предлагает возможность всем желающим получить желаемую работу. Цена изготовления аттестатов достойна, что делает эту покупку доступной для всех.

  6. Thomasstope dit :

    Streptease is the profession of seduction, which penetrates into the very depths of vulnerable nature. It is a variety of show that has been throughout representing decades, capturing the acclaim and igniting the imaginations of people surrounding the world. But what is striptease, and what makes it so drawing and exciting?

    Olden days of striptease:

    The appellation « streptease » comes from the French verb « disrobe », which means « to remove off » or « undress ». This art has primordial roots, which can be judged from images and records inaugurate in the history of different cultures. But, striptease, as we know it today, received texture and appreciation in the antiquated 20th century in play venues in America and Europe.

    During the Great Despair days, striptease became an intrinsic quarter of nightclubs and cabarets, offering spectators not only fun, but also a way to do a disappearing act from familiar worries and problems.

    The essence of the manoeuvres of striptease:

    At first scan, striptease may feel like a naked feigning of undressing in head of an audience. Manner, the faithful craft of striptease lies in the way the dancer uses his or her trunk, movements, facial expressions and clothing to create an erotic and aesthetic atmosphere.

    Streptease is a mix of th‚ dansant, drama and acting, in which the artist strives not on the other hand to lay bare his substance, but also to sire a mystery, stir up cut and provocation. He or she can put to use a mix of props, costumes, and lighting to beget the desired meaning and highlight his or her personality.

    Striptease and taste:

    Striptease plays an material responsibility in bulge enlightenment and art. It is set up in films, books, music and regular painting. This tastefulness evokes numberless emotions and reactions in viewers, from esteem to condemnation.

    In addition, streptease has become a allusive of of release and feminism. Many dancers feeling their art as a means of expressing sexual liberty and self-expression.


    Striptease is not good entertainment or a nature to make spondulicks, it is an art that continues to evolve and entice the notoriety of people all ended the world. It leaves behind numerous debates and questions, but at bottom all, it continues to activate and confound with its belle and energy. 34t34fr

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